Creativity, Science

Mix Tape #1: Best Songs About Science

The future of science lies in collaborations! And it is in the spirit of scientific collaboration that the blogging couple – a.k.a NotNicolaJames and her ScienceBoy – have joined forces to bring to you this collection of Best Songs About Science.

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“She ate Oscar!” – Nelson: a life in 54 graphic episodes


Imagine asking James Joyce, JRR Tolkien, Ernest Hemingway and 51 others to write about one day in a person’s life and then compile the results in a book. Stream-of-consciousness next to lean, economic prose next to elves – chances are high that the combined text would be an unreadable chimera.

But the same idea works brilliantly in a graphic novel, as Nelson from Blank Slate Books demonstrates:

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If she were Nicola James, I’d be the first to know!

My wife –-who is not Nicola James, no matter what other people say– is writing a blog about singer-songwriters.

She lovingly calls me ‘Science Boy‘ in her posts.

Anyhow, her latest articles are on Scandinavian singer-songwriter Ane Brun, and she also reviewed last weekend’s concert The Fiver in the Cambridge Junction.



image source: private